Wild Flower ( acoustic; live studio performance ) | Monty Milne

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About the artist

Monty Milne is a singer-songwriter who hails from the still waters and blue skies of Port Providence, PA.

His unique blend of the classic rock, punk, and acoustic singer-songwriter genres creates a brand of music that is completely original and absolutely modern.



Wild Flower
In the fresh fields of beautiful green
She breathes her golden light through forests
and streams
She’s the one fish I can’t hook and
maybe that’s right
But who’ll keep this cold heart warm
in the night

Her petals shine bright and her stem is
so strong
The wind blows through her and sings
mercy in song.
She knows she can’t stand in the heat of
the storm
I hope her seed will meet mine for passion

Wild Flower
I will share you
I will protect you
But I will never pick you
And take you from your roots
Because then you would be a possession
Not a beautiful life
Stay wild and free

The grass may brown and the birds may cry
But your complete love won’t wilt and die
The soil gives me life and health
But I sense that your prayers are of unknown

The seasons may take me to foreign lands
The cold frost might sting your iron hands
But as long as your heart is always true
This wild flower is here for you